A recent study conducted by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) Austria highlights the significant role that the origin of soybeans plays in determining the environmental impact of soybean meal production. This study specifically focuses on Europe Soya certified soybeans processed at AdamPolSoya (ATK Group) in Ukraine, shedding light on the substantial carbon emissions reduction achieved by using these certified soybeans compared to the average soybean meal available in the European market.

AdamPolSoya, a soybean meal processor in Ukraine, has chosen a more sustainable path by exclusively using Europe Soya certified soybeans. This decision has had a remarkable impact on reducing the carbon footprint of their soybean meal production.

The FiBL Austria study revealed compelling findings regarding the carbon footprint of soybean meal produced from Europe Soya certified Ukrainian soybeans. This soybean meal is responsible for emitting only 0.36 kg of CO2 per kg of product. In stark contrast, the average soybean meal produced in Europe generates 1.99 kg of CO2 per kg of soybean meal. This higher emissions figure for average European soybean meal is primarily due to the mix of soybeans imported from overseas, which often involves land-use change and deforestation.

The use of Europe Soya certified soybeans at AdamPolSoya results in an impressive 82% reduction in carbon emissions compared to the average European soybean meal production. Even when comparing AdamPolSoya soybean meal to European soybean meal produced exclusively from an average European soybean mix, the reduction remains substantial, at up to 56%. More